Saturday, May 17, 2008

Radishes and Turnips and Herbs, Oh My!

Today was my first day behind the booth at the farmers' market in historic Chestertown, MD. It was a success! We sold out of lettuce mix and spinach. In addition to the lettuce and spinach, we also offered radishes, turnips and some herbs.

A wide variety of goods are for sale at the market. Some vendors offer crafts or value added goods like cakes and candles. In addition, there are live plants and cut flowers for sale.

One of my favorite parts of attending farmers' markets is being able to ask the farmers questions about what they are growing. I was so excited for the market today, I could hardly sleep last night. Today I got to be the farmer!

One of my reasons for applying to this internship program was to promote connections between growers and consumers. Today, I got to experience first hand the role reversal that comes from moving from being the consumer to the producer. My first customer graciously agreed to let me document the experience. Yeah! I sold lettuce. If all goes well, I should be manning the booth on Saturday mornings throughout the season.

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