Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Buy Local Challenge

Today marks the beginning of the week-long Buy Local Challenge sponsored by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission. ( Eating locally is easier for those of us who live on the farm, but The Buy Local Challenge asks every Maryland family to eat at least one locally produced product (produce, meat, eggs, fruit, etc.) a day for the week of July 19 - 27, 2008.

There are multiple benefits to The Buy Local Challenge. It provides an incentive for those families who do not normally patronize farmers' markets or farm stands to come into contact with food producers which can increase markets for farmers. Additionally, eating locally produced foods also decreases the "food miles" that food travels thus decreasing the amount of fossil fuels used to transport food over great distances. Finally, as a bonus to the consumer, the food just tastes better.

(Tip: Cabbage, Beans (snap, pole & lima); Blueberries; Squash (summer); Corn (yellow & white); Cucumbers, Potatoes; Beets; Tomatoes; Blackberries; Peaches; Carrots; Broccoli; Okra; Cantaloupes; Plums; Peas (Black-Eyed); Nectarines; Eggplant; Peppers; and Watermelon are some of the fruits and vegetables that are in season this week) (

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