Sunday, May 25, 2008

Community Supported Agriculture in Action

One neat thing about working with a CSA project is that the community is involved. Pictured are the children of one of our CSA members. Every Friday during the growing season they come to help us harvest for the share pickup and for the farmers' market. Here they are helping to plant leeks. Colchester works to make sure the farm is accessible to everyone by offering Working Shares and Neighborhood Representatives.

Working Shares and Neighborhood Representatives. If you have time, come and help harvest on Tuesdays or Fridays in exchange for free vegetables. We coordinate with you to set a schedule for the season. Also, some members are neighborhood representatives. This involves recruiting a minimum of ten members in your neighborhood and picking up and distributing your group's share of produce each week. In exchange you get free vegetables. (

Colchester is committed to making the community part of the farming experience and wants to ensure that everyone who is interested has the opportunity to participate.

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