Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Small Plot of Land

It doesn't look like much (yet), but this is the land that I will be farming in the spring. I have spent much of the last few weeks considering the style of vegetable production that I want to use on my small plot of land. Currently I am leaning toward biointensive methods.

Promoted by Ecology Action (, biointensive growing methods maximize yields in small spaces. Working toward sustainable solutions for growing food, biointensive methods seek to grow the largest food crop possible while still caring for the land. Ecology Action seeks to promote a system of vegetable production dubbed sustainable mini farming, which:
"nurtures soil, produces high yields, conserves resources and can be used successfully by almost everyone. Our goal is to help this system be known and used locally — on a worldwide scale."
As the current economic downtrend continues it is likely that more and more people will turn to kitchen gardens to supplement regular grocery shopping. I believe biointensive methods are one way to grow vegetables for your family while ensuring the continued fertility of the land.

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